My Low Waste / Minimal Packing Challenge - I'm Going On Holiday!!

Yay I'm finally going on holiday for the first time in around 3 years! This year i'm heading to Portugal for just under 2 weeks and i'm trying to pack as minimally and as low waste as possible! I've never been to Portugal before and therefore I'm super excited to explore a new area, culture and hopefully try out some new activities *cough paragliding!*
I'm only taking a cabin bag with me and therefore I HAVE to pack lightly. Before I learnt about minimalism I was the type of person who would stuff their whole wardrobe into a large suitcase and still have to sit on it to zip it up or get everything in. I felt like I would run out of items or get bored of what I brought with me if I didn't pack my entire room up and ship it across the world.
*inserts funny picture*

Well not anymore! I have even written down a list of outfits I can create using the same clothes over and over! I am no way a minimalist. I still own WAY TOO MUCH, however I am slowly de-cluttering and trying my hardest to pack as little possible for this holiday! I am also hopefully going to be using up a lot of my packaged products that I owned before I started my zero waste journey such as sun cream, moisturisers and makeup.
So what am I packing???
*8 tops
*3 pairs of shorts
*3 skirts
*3 dresses
*2 bikinis + a swimming costume
*2 beach coverups and a kimono

*1 pair of sandals
*1 set of Pj's and underwear
*A variety of bags
*Safety razor with extra blade *Makeup
*Bar of soap *Makeup remover pads and remover
*Shampoo bar *Toothpaste tablets
*Conditioner bar *3 bamboo toothbrushes (Incase I lose one)
*Flannels *Tongue cleaner and floss

*Sleep spray
*Travel sickness bands
*Plug adapter
*Deodrant balm
*The last of my suncream!
*Homemade face moisturiser
*The last body moisturiser
*2 pairs of sunglasses
*Hair brush and hair bands
*Stainless steel water bottle and sterilisers *Cloth napkins
*The most important item: pizza lilo *Produce bags and a tote bag
*Snorkel *Metal straws
*Beach towel *Glass mason jar and wooden cutlery

I am also planning on borrowing some items from my mum such as some flip flops, another water bottle and some more evening wear. I am also bringing my camera with me (obviously) and all items that cannot be taken on as hand luggage i.e safety razor will be put into my mums large suitcase. I am also happy to announce that all of this fits into my bag :D Yipee! Holiday time!