What's in my trash jar? - December 2018

Happy New Year everyone!
Here is my final jar of waste from 2018!
Here's what's in my December trash jar:

- 1 Broken highlighter
- 2 empty glue sticks
- Produce stickers
- Envelope windows
- Synthetic fibres from the lining I took out of a bag
- Plastic lined grease proof paper which came with a meal at a restaurant
- Wetwipe
- The last of my non biodegradable plastic floss
- Plastic sellotape
- Plastic tags from secondhand clothes
- Plastic that shrink wrapped 2 new tyres for my car (The old tyres got recycled)
- Plastic foil lid
- Plastic sleeve from a card
- Broken silicone ring from cliptop jar
Wishing you all the best for 2019!