What's in my trash jar? - April 2018

Super stoked about my waste in April. I managed to downsize my jar which is an awesome achievement for me! Let's hope I can keep my trash this low for May.
Jar contents:

- Plasting wrapping from an item of clothing I bought
- The final packet of corn starch (woohoo)
- Plastic wrapping from metal straws I bought. I was reusing it to store them but it broke :(
- Crisp packet from when I wasn't prepared
- Endless envolope windows
- Pieces of old holiday card convered in glitter
- Plastic tags
- Dental floss
- Produce stickers
- Plastic strip from xylitol packet
- Broken plastic plant tag
- Medication packets
- Old recipts
- The final pack of tissues (woohoo)
- Train ticket
- Plastic disc from an old sticker
- Random black plastic packaging
- That annoying plastic sleeve inside tissue boxes (seriously?!!)