What's in my trash jar? - November 2018
November was a pretty wasteful month. One thing I did this month was go through my craft draw and I use nearly all of the stickers I own...

What's in my trash jar? October 2018
The year is definitely going too fast! October was a good month and Halloween was pretty chilled this year. Due to living down a dark...

What's in my trash jar? September 2018
September felt like a very long month. With bugs and virus's going around I ended up catching a 3 week flu right at the beginning of...

What's in my trash jar? August 2018
I can't believe it's September already!!! Where has the time gone :( Soon it will be.... Christmas! Last month I managed to downsize my...

Whats in my trash jar? - July 2018
Long time no speak! Or write I should say! It's been a hectic July (work work work work) but I'm back at you with another monthly trash...

What's in my trash jar? - June 2018 + holiday waste!
Double trouble on this blog post! Last month I had two trash jars, a regular jar for trash when I was in Cornwall and a small holiday jar...

What's in my trash jar? - May 2018
*A pretty full trash jar this month but I finally managed to finish my last tube of hand cream. I can now seek a zero waste, vegan...

What's in my trash jar? - April 2018
Super stoked about my waste in April. I managed to downsize my jar which is an awesome achievement for me! Let's hope I can keep my trash...

What's in my trash jar? - March 2018
March felt like the longest month ever and while i'm happy it's now April, I'm sad March has come to an end. I now have to wait another...