What's in my trash jar? October 2018

The year is definitely going too fast!
October was a good month and Halloween was pretty chilled this year. Due to living down a dark scary woodland lane we had no trick or treaters and no partying! Instead me and my boyfriend carved pumpkins, made soup and watched horror movies hence no Halloween rubbish. At 23, I'd rather sit in bed in my onesie with a cup of tea than be in a club. How times have changed! As always some of the materials are from items I had before this journey and some are not, however I'm pleased with myself as there were situations last month which very easily could have thrown me off track .
Here's what I wasted this month:

-1 plastic bag from a purchase
-3 plastic lids from mini body sprays. (The aluminium cans can be recycled but there was no symbol on the lids)
-2 plastic backing sheets from stickers
-Food produce stickers
-Dental floss
-Ball of old sellotape
-1 envelope window
-Plastic cork (I have no idea where this came from because I don't drink)
-Broken elastic band
-Plastic film lid from vegan cheese packet
-Plastic strips from the inside a tissue box
-Old make up applicator stick
-Plastic lid seals
-1 cotton bud with nail polish on it
-Synthetic pieces of fluff from clothing