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What's in my trash jar? August 2018

I can't believe it's September already!!! Where has the time gone :(

Soon it will be.... Christmas!

Last month I managed to downsize my trash jar again, which I'm very proud of :) I feel like I am finally getting rid of the random trash from items I purchased before I started this journey. I've become very into minimalism and keep having small de-clutter sessions to rid of stuff I don't need or use anymore. I also realised that it has actually been over a year since I started my zero waste journey! I thought that I started in August but looking back at past bullet journals it was probably more like June or July! I found lots of photos of my trash from this time last year and I never realised how much of a difference I had made to the amount of waste I create! Proud moment! :)

As's what was in my trash jar last month:

-Tortilla packet from those tortilla cravings! I will defiantly make them next time

- Doritos crisp packet

- Plastic film off of a graze pot

- Plastic packaging from some incense

- Lots of sticky labels from food and a conference I attended

- Cling film that was covering a tub of mushrooms

- Part of a festival wrist band made from synthetic materials

- Plastic packaging from a soap bar

- Dental floss

- Pull ring from a carton of milk

- Paracetamol blister packet

- Threads of synthetic fabric which have come off clothes

- Broken piece of hanger

- Plastic tags connecting labels

- Plasters and plaster packaging! (Told you I was clumsy!)

- X2 plastic gems

- Sellotape and craft tape cut offs

- Plastic window from a box of headphones

- Envelope windows

- Black plastic lid

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