What's in my trash jar? September 2018

September felt like a very long month. With bugs and virus's going around I ended up catching a 3 week flu right at the beginning of September and I was totally not prepared! It sounds crazy but I haven't been ill since I started my journey to zero waste and going plant based. I had never looked at any homemade cold and flu remedies or concoctions before and therefore ended up buying so many cold and flu packets and cough syrups to help my fragile self. I've never had flu before but now I feel for all you regular sufferers! It was horrible. I will be much more prepared next time! I did drink my weight in lemon and ginger tea but used loose ingredients so prevented the packaging on that, but happy days I am now cured!
The trash jar was pretty full last month but as I always say, I'm not going to beat myself up for it. Sometimes the jar is more full than usual and that's okay.
Here is what was in my trash jar:

- Note to self: Don't recklessly pull clothes off your hangers, they will snap!
- Cold and flu blister packets
- Envelope windows
- Plastic packaging from some stickers I used up
- plastic jar seal
- Empty lip balm tube
- Dental floss
- Clothes labels made of synthetic material
- Ball of tape from a delivery
- Broken earphones
- Old receipts
- Silver plastic packaging from an order
- Foam sleeve and plastic slip from a screen protector
- Food labels and sticky label
- Plastic window from a reduced loaf of bread
- X2 cotton bud heads with makeup on (don't want to put chemicals into my compost)
- Broken pen
- Grey handle from a broken fork
- Tiny piece of Lego, small clump of glue, a piece of glittery string and 2 plastic gems found under my bed