My favourite DIY face moisturiser
Since running out of my daily moisturiser in a plastic bottle I was at a loss for what to use on my face. For a while I didn't use any...

What's in my trash jar? - April 2018
Super stoked about my waste in April. I managed to downsize my jar which is an awesome achievement for me! Let's hope I can keep my trash...

My low waste laundry routine
Swapping my laundry routine to a more sustainable one was an easy, hassel free process for me, however I believe this is due to the fact...

What's in my trash jar? - March 2018
March felt like the longest month ever and while i'm happy it's now April, I'm sad March has come to an end. I now have to wait another...

Zero Waste Periods...
The topic of menstruation is something that hasn't been spoken about on this blog, yet I get questions on a regular basis regarding what...

My homemade pasta recipe
Homemade vegan pasta is one of the most easiest things I've ever made from scratch and it allows me to endulge on types of pasta that I...

What's in my trash jar - February 2018
Well February was much better! I even downsized my jar :D Here is my February trash breakdown: - 2 broken hangers ...

My zero waste bathroom
[Featuring cotton buds with bamboo sticks!! Buy here!] When it comes to my bathroom I prefer to keep it simple and decluttered. I can't...

A zero waste valentines day <3
Valentines day is a public holiday you either love or you hate. I personally love it but find it such a wasteful day with the amount of...

What's in my trash jar - January 2018
I started January pretty positive with a small mason jar, determined to only fill that and not increase the size of the jar... that...