What's in my trash jar? September 2018
September felt like a very long month. With bugs and virus's going around I ended up catching a 3 week flu right at the beginning of...

My journey to zero waste ... 1 year on!
Well this blog post is looooong over due! In August I celebrated 1 year since starting my journey to producing less waste. I don't...

What's in my trash jar? August 2018
I can't believe it's September already!!! Where has the time gone :( Soon it will be.... Christmas! Last month I managed to downsize my...

Are festivals becoming more zero waste?
This summer I've been lucky enough to experience festival life for the first time and what an experience it has been! As an aerialist...

Whats in my trash jar? - July 2018
Long time no speak! Or write I should say! It's been a hectic July (work work work work) but I'm back at you with another monthly trash...

What's in my trash jar? - June 2018 + holiday waste!
Double trouble on this blog post! Last month I had two trash jars, a regular jar for trash when I was in Cornwall and a small holiday jar...

A 'zero-waster' abroad - My guide to creating less trash whilst on holiday!
Travelling somewhere new whilst trying to live a zero waste life style is scary yet exciting. We are so used to having our own routines...

What's in my trash jar? - May 2018
*A pretty full trash jar this month but I finally managed to finish my last tube of hand cream. I can now seek a zero waste, vegan...

My Low Waste / Minimal Packing Challenge - I'm Going On Holiday!!
Yay I'm finally going on holiday for the first time in around 3 years! This year i'm heading to Portugal for just under 2 weeks and i'm...

Market On The Moor: Meet Patrick
Nowadays it is hard to find a variety of fruit and vegetables without plastic, or at least with minimal packaging. While regular...